
Donate now –

help preserve Comoé National Park

The Comoé National Park is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and a hotspot of biodiversity. We want to preserve this unique natural heritage for future generations –please help us!

Please support us. There are many ways to do this! You can support us on a long-term basis as a sponsor, through a one-off donation, an occasion donation or other sponsorship (e.g. proceeds from street festivals, charity runs, benefit concerts, etc.).

We would also be happy if you contact us with your specific idea for fundraising.

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Bank details of the German Foundation for the Comoé National Park (DSCN)

Account holder: German Foundation for the Comoé National Park

IBAN: DE69 7606 9449 0008 9100 14


Bank: Raiffeisen – my Bank eG

Please use this information for your direct donations or your standing order.

Further options for sending your donation (credit card, SEPA direct debit, Paypal, etc.) will follow shortly.

Important note: If you have a Donation receipt for the tax office please send us your contact details via our Contact form or via

What does your donation achieve?

With your donation of any amount you help us to implement the following projects:


Sustainability Day


One-off or monthly

With €50 you can make it possible to hold a sustainability day, where we can teach ecological concepts to the younger generation at schools and arouse interest and enthusiasm for nature and the park.

DSCN School Scholarship


Per year

With €100 you can enable a student to attend school and obtain a further qualification. By specifically supporting students who are interested in nature and actively work to preserve it, an incentive system is created that shows how worthwhile commitment to nature conservation is.

DSCN Awareness Campaign



The park's exceptional biodiversity can only be preserved if the people in the neighboring villages get involved and see their needs taken into account. With €250 we can spend a day in close contact with the people in at least one village to discuss the importance of the park and develop conservation concepts together.

DSCN University Scholarship


Per month

In order to inspire young people to help preserve the park, the foundation offers qualified students - ideally from the region around Comoé National Park - scholarships for studying biology, giving them the opportunity to work in the park. With €500 you can support a student for a month.

Endowment or will - things that remain

You can decide now how your Inheritance for environmental protection can be used in a meaningful way. Use a donation or a will to make a statement with your wishes.

You can support the German Foundation for the Comoé National Park today with a Endowment in the form of cash, securities, real estate or other assets support.

In this way, you help to ensure that our projects are supported reliably and in the long term.

Individual donations are possible from an amount of €10,000, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to advise you.

Talk to us

What advantages do donations, endowments or wills offer you beyond the purpose of the foundation?

  • Endowments can be made either in the form of a gift or a willBoth forms of endowment are exempt from gift or inheritance tax, since the German Foundation for the Comoé National Park is recognized as a non-profit foundation under civil law and is therefore tax-privileged.

    • The taxable income of a donor is reduced by a donation. Over a period of ten years, up to one million euros (up to two million for married couples) can be donated and claimed as a tax deduction. The donated amount can be deducted from taxable income as desired over the period mentioned.

      • There is also the possibility of Donation deduction for income tax. A sum of up to 20 percent of taxable income Donations can also be made earmarked i.e. they can be used for jointly agreed, concrete projects.

        (This information is without guarantee, please consult your tax advisor for your personal situation)

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