Our vision

Our vision

Protecting Comoé National Park together with local people

Comoé National Park is located in the Ivory Coast in West Africa. It is a unique savannah ecosystem, which impresses with its impressive variety of species and habitats. In an area that is only half the size of Hesse, there are almost 1.5 times as many mammal species and five times as many reptile species as in the whole of Germany. Yet only a few people know about the existence of this Biodiversity hotspots and the threats it faces. We would like to contribute to the sustainable protection of this tropical jewel by carrying out educational projects with your help and supporting the local population in protecting the park permanently through participatory participation.

DSCN Information Flyer

Comoé National Park is located in the northeast of Ivory Coast and is the largest national park in West Africa and part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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