
September 2024 - Anniversary donation

Our DSCN-Member Volker and Natalie celebrated round anniversaries and together with their guests they raised a total of €800 for DSCN projects

We would like to thank you both, Natalie & Volker, and your guests for this generous gesture!



August 2024 - Donations instead of wedding gifts

Our long-time supporters, Kristin & Christian, from Guesthouse Geiseltalsee in beautiful Mücheln, got married and asked their guests for donations to a charitable cause instead of gifts on the occasion of their wedding.

In total, they collected the proud sum of €1,000 for the DSCN and our projects!

Many thanks to all guests, Kristin & Christian for your wonderful and ongoing support!

August 2024 - Two new DSCN university scholarship holders

Armel Asso and Gbambaly Karim Sekongo, both from Nangui Abrogoua University in Abidjan, received this award for their excellent research work in and around Comoé National Park. Armel Asso is studying endangered vulture species for his doctorate. He also records their importance in the traditional medicine of the local population. Gbambaly Karim Sekongo is researching plant biodiversity in and outside the protected area. With the help of the DSCN scholarship, which was made possible thanks to a generous donation fromSchünemann Foundation, both students are able to complete their doctoral thesis.

Congratulations to the two scholarship holders & many thanks again to Hedwig & Hans from the Schünemann Foundation

July 2024 - DSCN, now mobile on site

Thanks to a generous donation from our member Dr. Volker Salewski for a motorcycle, we are now mobile on site. Our employee Dr. Simon Silue can now carry out his awareness campaigns in the villages around Comoé in a mobile and flexible manner. The motorcycle also helps us to save project costs, as there are no longer any vehicle rental costs.

Thank you very much Volker!

June 2024 – BeeCharitable meets DSCN

On June 9th the Summer Split '24 of the Techniker Prime League starts, in which the e-sports team of BeeCharitable participates.


is an online platform that generates reach and donations for non-profit e-sports tournaments (


) and was among the top five social start-ups in Germany in 2023.


differs from other e-sports platforms in that it supports NGOs – such as the

German Foundation for the Comoé National Park (DSCN)

– offers free advertising space during e-sports events.

For the


an excellent opportunity to engage in direct exchange with the e-sports community, because

Biodiversity protection concerns us all!

An action with IMPACT from


, thank you for the option!

May 2024 - "One Euro for Every Citizen" with great results

At the fundraiser "Every citizen one euro" In 2023/2024, the DSCN was one of four selected projects. Thanks to the generous donations from citizens of the Roth district, a total of €22,000 for DSCN projects together.

Thank you very much, District of Roth, you are great!

Many thanks also to District Administrator Ben Schwarz and his team for the trust they have placed in us.

Further information at the following link:

Fundraising evening: Every citizen one euro (

March 2024 - Special donation from Thilo Jörgl

"I already have everything!" That was the simple reason why Thilo Jörgl decided not to give gifts on the occasion of his 50th birthday and instead collected donations for the DSCN from his guests and transferred them to the DSCN.

A proud €1,200 was raised!

Many thanks to Thilo and his guests for this generous gesture and your support!

February 2024 - The DSCN visits the wild growth of the NAJU

Wild, colourful, loud, modular, diverse - in keeping with the annual theme of "diversity". This is how the NAJU's paperless online webzine, its members for the first time in 2024. And the DSCN was on board with a contribution. You can find the whole article here:

What the F... - Wildwuchs Magazine (

Many thanks to the editorial team of NAJU, especially to Johanna Pille, for this opportunity!

January 2024 - Penpal relationship between classes from Freiburg and classes from Banvayo and Nassian

The students of the 6th grade of the German-French High School (DFG) Freiburg have started pen pal relationships with students from the area around Comoé National Park.

The first letters were delivered personally to two schools near Comoé National Park at the end of December 2023. In the towns of Banvayo and Nassian, around 60 students were looking forward to letters, as well as photos and information posters about Freiburg and the DFG. The answers were returned in January and there was great curiosity in the 6ème1 & 2 of the DFG. Although the exchange has only just begun, it already seems promising. A big thank you to Madame Husson and her students for their time and motivation!

December 2023 - Christmas card sale of the German-French daycare center in Freiburg

On 11 December 2023, the German-French kindergarten in Freiburg A lecture was held on the Comoé National Park and the German Foundation for the Comoé National Park. The children showed great interest and a great understanding of environmental issues, which they are already dealing with despite their young age. They also made their own Christmas cards and the profits from the sale went to the DSCN. We would like to thank them very much for this! Many thanks also to C. Thénot-Moll and Guillaume Chevallier for the idea, motivation and support!

December 2023 - "One Euro for Every Citizen"

Every year, the Roth District Office launches the campaign “Every Citizen One Euro” for charitable projects. This year, Mr. District Administrator Ben Schwarz our project to preserve biodiversity in Comoé National Park was selected as one of four projects for this campaign. You can find the details at

We would like to thank District Administrator Schwarz and his team very much for this opportunity and this great support!

August 2023 - DSCN at the BMZ country meeting on Côte d'Ivoire

Judith Korb and Volker Salewski take for the DSCN at the country talksch Côte d'Ivoire of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in Berlin. These country talks take place in advance of bilateral government talks in order to give non-governmental organizations the opportunity to present their positions to the ministry.

July 2023 Charity - Farm - Flea Market in Hilpoltstein

The first charity farm flea market in Adenauerstrasse in Hilpoltstein brings in a profit of €145 for the DSCN, thanks to the generous purchases and donations of the Hilpoltstein residents.

Many thanks to all visitors

and especially to Uli Planer for the impetus and initiative!

December 2022 - First DSCN awareness campaign

From December 5th to 14th, Simon Kolotchèlèma Silue and David Kouamé Kouassi were welcomed with joy and open arms by the students and their teachers at the first DSCN awareness campaign in the villages of Dédi, Gansé, Lambira, Nassian and Toungbo-Yaga. Simon and David were able to reach almost 700 people in the villages and even led some of the students on field trips, highlighting the value of the park and the need to protect it.

July 2022 - Re-awarding of DSCN school scholarships

Prof. Judith Korb was able to visit the Comoé National Park in June 2022 12 additional school scholarships to talented pupils from the surrounding villages Nassian, Kotouba , Ganse (picture left) and Lambira forgive.

New additions this year were the schools in the villages





The scholarships were gratefully received by the students, but also by the school principals, as they enable the students to complete another school year instead of dropping out early.

Congratulations to all scholarship recipients!

January 18, 2022 - First DSCN University Scholarship

On January 18, 2022, we were able to 1. DSCN - University - Scholarship The prize went to Lamfi Grace Kone from the Nangui Abrogoua University in Abidjan, which conducts biological research in the Comoé National Park.

Congratulations from the entire DSCN team!!!

12 November 2021 - Meeting with the Ivorian Ambassador in Berlin

On 12 November 2021, HE Ambassador Philippe Mangou a delegation from DSCN, Miriam Brandt and Alexander Fuchs, at the Ivorian Embassy in Berlin. The ambassador expressly welcomed the DSCN's commitment to preserving the biodiversity of the Comoé National Park in close cooperation with our Ivorian partners and promised support for our projects.

Link to the post of the German Embassy in Abidjan.

November 2, 2021 - First donation for the DSCN

Following the motto "don't go halfway, go big", we received from our first donor, Frank Stier from Hilpoltstein, not just a symbolic donation, but a really large donation. Thank you very much for this!

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