About Us


We are a group of Ivorian and German activists who have grown fond of the Comoé National Park and whose preservation for future generations is our common goal.

Prof. Dr. Judith Korb

(Freiburg i. Breisgau, Founder & Board Member)

"I have been researching the ecological relationships and biodiversity of Comoé National Park since 1992. During this time we were able to discover new species and demonstrate the importance of insects for the ecosystem. At the same time, however, I also became aware of how threatened the park is and that sustainable protection can only be achieved through the integration of the local population. That is why I wanted to set up this foundation for the sustainable protection of the park."


David Kouamé Kouassi

(Kakpin, research assistant at the Comoé Research Station & DSCN Project Coordinator)

"This is what I hope the foundation will achieve:

I want the foundation to help the villages bordering Comoé National Park and at the same time to protect the park well. I hope the foundation can help people like us who do not have enough resources but want to get involved in the park.

If our children learn about the importance of the park and its fauna and flora, they will later be able to understand the research being done in the park. I have learned a lot from my work in the park and there is still a lot to learn. The future of the park is closely linked to our own future, so it is important to shape that future in a positive way."

Dr. Volker Salewski

(2nd from left, Husum, auditor, biologist & researcher in Comoé National Park)

"The preservation of global biodiversity is a major challenge that must be taken up by all people. It can only be mastered by working hand in hand and across all national, ideological and cultural borders. That is why I am committed to the German Foundation for Comoé National Park."

Dr. Simon Kolotchèlèma Silue

(Abidjan, biologist & DSCN Project Manager)

"I would like to actively participate in all activities related to the conservation and management of protected areas, especially the Comoé National Park.

I have worked in several protected areas in Côte d'Ivoire and my research topics have always been oriented towards nature conservation. So I know the importance of nature and ecological relationships for the survival of the local population. Helping these populations to understand the importance of nature reserves and Understanding the need to protect them will be crucial for them and for all of us in the future.

In addition, protected areas are the last refuges for the conservation of threatened species and their habitats.

I would like to commit myself to supporting all foundations, groups and individuals who are committed to this cause as best as I can."

Dr. Christian Hoisus

(Giesdorf, Donor & Board)

"Since my childhood, I have had a very positive connection and perception of nature, both on an emotional and rational level.

It's certainly only a tiny contribution that I can make here. Maybe it will still help and inspire others to do more.

I am certainly also influenced by the fact that my father has been actively involved in nature conservation for many years through his work in a foundation."

Prof. N'Golo Abdoulaye Koné

(Abidjan, Ivorian Director of the Comoé Research Station)

"I have a basic education in ecology and am committed to the preservation of biodiversity. I am also the head of the research station in Comoé National Park. Therefore, any activity or initiative aimed at protecting and preserving biodiversity as a whole deserves my attention and support. I have always been sensitive to environmental protection in general. The DSCN Foundation, with its idea of a participatory approach to the park's natural resources through actions in collaboration with the local population - and especially with schoolchildren - is a welcome initiative that should be supported. I believe that the management of biodiversity and sustainable nature conservation requires basic environmental education and raising awareness of environmental issues among new generations."

Dr. Alexander Fuchs

(Hilpoltstein, Founder & Board Member)

"The wealth of species, the genetic diversity and the variety of habitats make the Comoé National Park a hotspot of biodiversity that must be preserved for future generations. Because "what's gone is gone" and will not return for millions of years to come if we do not work now together with our Ivorian partners to preserve the park."

Chiara Thomas

(Freiburg i. Breisgau, student & researcher in Comoé National Park)

"When I first got to know Comoé National Park in 2015, I was seduced by its beauty and biodiversity. At the same time, it became clear to me how quickly the balance in an ecosystem can fluctuate and lead to the extinction of species. But the motivation and cooperation of the local population gave me courage and the foundation is an important milestone in establishing long-term protection for the park, which benefits both the environment and the local populations. I am therefore very pleased to be able to contribute to the preservation of Comoé National Park through my work with the foundation."

Dr. Miriam Brandt

(Berlin, auditor, biologist & researcher in Comoé National Park)

"I did my thesis in Comoé National Park in 1997. It was a very special experience to live there among the many animal and plant species. While many people want to see elephants, rhinos and lions when they travel to Africa, I am fascinated by the creepy crawlies. So it was always exciting to walk across the savannah at night with a flashlight and shine a light on termite mounds and trees for assassin bugs, whip spiders and centipedes - there was always something new and surprising to discover. To ensure that this treasure is preserved, I am involved with the German Foundation for Comoé National Park."

Steffen Kreutzmann

(DSCN Ambassador & Fundraiser)

"It has long been my wish to do something meaningful in a voluntary capacity. For many years, this was not possible due to my busy professional life. Now, as I am about to retire, I have the perfect opportunity to do voluntary work and use my time and skills for charitable purposes.

I found this opportunity in the Foundation for the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Comoe National Park". It is undoubtedly important to work for nature and its preservation worldwide. In Africa in particular, here in the Ivory Coast in West Africa, our help is needed due to the limited financial resources available there. With my contribution, I want to ensure that the Foundation can successfully implement its charitable tasks."

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